DoD Energy Management Handbook
Total energy costs and BTU consumption. b. offers an unparalleled opportunity to not only install the most cost-effective HVAC, lighting and energy control equipment but also to install Level 3 audits for larger facilities may cost $0.10-0.20 per square foot of facility area. More ... Get Content Here
* The Upstream HVAC Program includes all packaged air conditioners and heat pumps up to 760,000 Btu per hour (63.3 tons). Total Retrofit Cost ($) Total replacement cost of all of the steam traps of this type and size. Select the nominal watts per lamp. 3.2.7 Lighting ... Return Doc
Alternative Energy - YouTube
100 feet of tubing holds 1.47 gallons and 136 feet of tubing holds approx. 2 gallons. home depot sells a 500 foot roll for clear tubing. small fountain pump (158gph) and ice water. cost $30. 45 Watts. can be run using "3 panel set" from harbor but lighting a few bulbs for a ... View Video
LEED Draft Comments Export - U.S. Green Building Council | U ...
This commercial wording is not appropriate for Research on rainwater management techniques demonstrates that the cost per unit is highest with densities of 8-12 units per acre because these are usually zero lot line houses and townhouses with little lot space watts per square foot, ... Get Doc
Uses 60 watts; a 2-lamp, 4-foot, T12 linear fluorescent fixture uses 1 kWH electricity = 3,413 BTU Natural Gas 1 cubic foot = 1,050 BTU Propane 1 gallon = 91,500 BTU 1 cubic foot = 2,500 BTU 1 pound = 21,500 BTU 4.24 lbs = 1 gallon 36.39 cubic Cost of Fuel Charge (per ... Fetch This Document
Lighting Calculator 2.3 Download
BPA C&I Lighting Calculator Outdoor / Indoor Signage, Accent and/or Cove Lighting - 1 to 6 watts per linear foot of LED Energy Star Commercial LED Lighting BPA Office Lighting Brochure BPA Stairwell Lighting Brochure ... Read Content
Saving Energy Is Good For Business HVAC (Heating, Ventilating ...
A 100-year-old, three-story, 10,000 square foot brick building with combination retail, office and apartments in Green Bay had Use these no-cost, low-cost, do-it-yourself practices and make an immediate impact on ENERGY SAVINGS CALCULATOR Lighting: ... Get Content Here
MM ALS Notes
Site lighting should not transgress the property and not shine into the atmosphere. (watts)/ square centimeter but we generally deal with intensity level (IL) The absorptivity per square foot of any surface varies from 0 (all sound reflected) to 1.0 sabin ... Read Document
Check that the per-unit cost is zero for fixtures being left "as-is". New columns also for # lamps per fixture and watts per lamp. Total Incremental Cost LNZ LNU Seattle City Light Funding Calculation Worksheets for Lighting in Existing Commercial & Industrial Facilities ... Retrieve Doc
Watts per thousand $ of IT costs Cost per filled U lighting, other) Security cost often excluded, but should be similar to facility cost (24 hr/day, 1-2 people Costs per square foot per year are calculated by dividing total annualized costs by the total electrically active floor area ... Doc Viewer
Presentation Title Information
And operating sequences Limited to 5,000 square feet per occupancy sensor more efficient fluorescent lighting systems offer improved light quality and practically eliminate flicker Fluorescent Lighting Type Name Watts Lumens CRI Life (hrs Electric cost per kwh *Rolling 12-month ... Fetch This Document
Lighting, splitting fuel. inexpensive greenhouse that's VERY easy to build, and will cost you about 150 bucks (depending on materials in boats, and yurts up to 1,500 square feet putting out a whopping 40,000 BTUs. For more information or to purchase a Kimberly wood stove, visit www ... View Video
Solar Panel - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
This enables the use of cells with a high cost per unit area (such as gallium than regular crystalline cells, but can be broken by bending them into a sharp angle. They are also much lighter per square foot than standard The actual voltage output of the module changes as lighting, ... Read Article
Table Of Contents
3.3.2 SRCC OG-100 Multi-Family/Commercial Incentive Calculator 16. 4. lower half of the indirect storage tank may be credited as “storage” for the purpose of calculating the 1.1 gallons per square foot ratio): An advanced controller with a BTU calculator and a pulsing flow meter, ... Doc Retrieval
D R A F T - California Energy Commission
15. Appendix E – Commercial Btu Meter Accuracy Requirements 105. 16. Appendix F a calculation of 2 watts per square foot can be used instead of an engineering estimate. Systems over 10 kW would require an Envelope Mechanical Lighting Outdoor Lighting ENV-1-C MECH- 1-C LTG-1-C OLTG ... Fetch Doc
Presentation Title - Questline
Loses 200,000 Btu/h at a cost of roughly $2.50 per hour Any wind at all triples the loss! Air door recovers 75% of heat loss 2-3 year payback 560,000 square foot manufacturing facility Air compressor Introduce Lighting Calculator. Maintenance of circuit breakers ... Doc Viewer
Watt - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
A surface area of one square meter on Earth receives one nanowatt of power from a single star of apparent magnitude A large residential or commercial building may use several megawatts in electric power and Terms such as watts per hour are often misused when watts would be correct. ... Read Article
Horizontal trench types cost less up front, $.65 to $1.25 per foot, a 65% methane biogas yields 650 Btu per cubic foot. Biodigestor systems vary greatly in saves 1,800 kWh per year and has an average savings of $150 per month. Improving the lighting is another way to reduce the ... Retrieve Full Source
Draft WEIS Report In WORD Format - GovConnect
‡Heating water vapor requires 0.87 Btu per pound per degree Fahrenheit. GRU’s Request for Proposals They estimated that every 2,000 square foot home that is deconstructed saves 33 trees. They also provide a Deconstruction Calculator to estimate the savings of deconstruction versus ... Read Document
Energy and Energy Cost Savings Lighting Page 3: Cooling Efficiency Incentive Worksheet Interactive FSTC commercial kitchen equipment interactive web-based tool, Additional rebate per linear foot for Zero energy Doors and LED lighting is available and is additive to this rebate. ... Access Full Source
The total estimated annual cost for purchased energy for the building functions regulated by this code, it is measured in watts (W) or British thermal units per hour (Btu/h). RADIANT SLAB FLOOR: (mm) on markers that are installed at least one for every 300 square feet (28 m2) ... Get Content Here
First Draft - Version 3 - Treasure Coast Builders Association
A water heater with an input rating less than 4,000 Btu/h per gallon (310 W/L) of stored water or a storage capacity of at What if we address how much water and embodied energy is used, etc., and develop per square foot metrics for eco calculator helpful at assembly level early in the ... Fetch Content
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