Carroll & Douglas Counties Villa Rica, Georgia
A single commercial grade driveway provides access along the ceiling tiles and lighting, painting, emergency lighting, and break room cabinets. Additionally, in 2008 ceramic tile flooring was installed in two of the offices. Floor Covering - Commercial grade carpet except for the restrooms ... Doc Retrieval
Uploads From Herb Baldwin - YouTube
7+acres in southern Morrow County (Cardington Schools). 4-car garage. $1800 per year income from billboard pays the property in central Morrow County, this 1800+ square foot custom built ranch offers the buyer all Includes a 3200 sf commercial building with large garages for ... View Video
1 Technical Requirements
Natural gas line and on-site metering station per the pipeline company interconnect requirements. Valve type and size shall be selected taking into account such factors as cost, operating and design conditions, Lighting panelboard breakers ... Access Doc
Foot wide concrete walk constructed across the rear property line in the street right-of-way abutting the lot. feet high with one (1') foot square rock pillars on ten (10') foot centers with gates of M. Commercial General: One space per each 200 square feet NLA for the following ... Read More
Carpet, adhesives, and cushion qualify for Carpet and Rug Institute maximum allowed lumens per square foot for each lighting zone) for outdoor lighting as it pertains to: building and structures • Are there incentives to build smaller or use less energy per square foot of building ... Doc Retrieval
Uploads From ReginaHomeTours - YouTube
Foundation is constructed with icf (concrete poured between Styrofoam forms) so house is This spectacular open concept 2492 square foot two story home is located in the and beer and liquor sales. This amazing commercial property also includes 2 walk-in coolers, an ice machine ... View Video
Chapter 1
Fine aggregate, and coarse aggregate. The overall weight will be approximately 2000 pounds per cubic yard of fluid concrete. On most commercial jobs, the concrete will be pumped to its final An example of this is a driveway that is subjected to wheel loads before it has set for ... Fetch Doc
Residents of the town can now safely travel adjacent to Route 112 by foot, Sometimes square or rectangular corrugated metal pipe culverts without bottoms are The Nebraska Department of Roads is evaluating three different low-cost energy dissipating methods for concrete box ... View Full Source
Driveway Surface Enter surface type: concrete, gravel, macadam, etc., Area Enter price per square foot for the above grade living area for the subject, if a purchase Modified Cost Multiplier Subtotal Multiply the Cost Multiplier times the subtotal of the square foot cost new ... Document Viewer
Estates & Manors - YouTube
The interior of the home features over 4700 square feet of luxurious living The nearly 4,000 square foot, Separate Water Closet & Shower, Front Office, Upstairs Features Carpet Flooring Throughout, Elevator, Master w/ Double Door Entry, Fireplace, Master Bathroom w/ Dual Sinks ... View Video
A commercial establishment which sells decorating items (e.g. paint, wallpaper, carpet, linoleum, tile, One foot-candle is one lumen per square foot. Concrete gypsum and plastic products; ... Document Viewer
Wikipedia:Featured Picture Candidates/February-2008 ...
Oppose per Gargoyle. Clegs 23:51, 26 Weak Oppose It is quite nice but the obvious lighting/feathered HDR attempt is too distracting. (people tripping over the legs etc), but occasionally when they want to restrict you from taking commercial quality photos. Diliff | 10:59, 28 ... Read Article
LH_Seal Template
• A concrete pad for commercial trash (i.e. the interior lighting power density shall not exceed 1.3 watts per square foot of at the beginning of year five the high traffic areas and the entire building at the half way point of the lease at no cost to the Lessee. Similarly, carpet, ... Access Full Source
LEED Draft Comments Export
This commercial wording is Research on rainwater management techniques demonstrates that the cost per unit is highest with densities of 8-12 units per acre The roof should have the capacity to support a minimum of 3 pounds per square foot of additional dead load above code for a ... Document Viewer
Chapter 1
See Development-Related definitions. A driveway in a commercial development that is designed to mimic a public street with sidewalks, A unit of illumination (light standards), equal to one lumen per square foot, A driveway opening delineated by a concrete apron along a street. ... Fetch Full Source
Require verification of energy performance for commercial use during change of occupant or tenant, maximum allowed lumens per square foot for each lighting zone) for outdoor lighting as it pertains to: building and structures Carpet, adhesives, and cushion qualify for Carpet and Rug ... Fetch Full Source
One footcandle equals the amount of light generated by one candle shining on a one square foot surface one foot away. 5) Glare. and do not exceed 100 watts per fixture. 14) Holiday lighting. Carpet, Furniture, HVAC 600 ... Retrieve Doc
LH_Seal Template
• A concrete pad for commercial (i.e. the interior lighting power density shall not exceed 1.3 watts per square foot at the beginning of year five the high traffic areas and the entire building at the half way point of the lease at no cost to the Lessee. Similarly, carpet ... Retrieve Doc
Replace carpet Change kitchen to natural gas Add storage Add walk-in freezer Remove existing concrete, install new concrete, install storefront Our cost estimate is based on the roof replacement of an identical sister school in 2001, adjusted for inflation. Asotin-Anatone School District ... Fetch Here
DRAFT 10/19/95
The capacity of the lighting distribution system is designed to accommodate a demand load of 2.0 watts per square foot of or repurpose” existing carpet at no additional cost. to Site. The sidewalks, loading dock driveway, and loading dock are not to be used to park by ... Doc Retrieval
About Home Renovations
It's often difficult to know when you need a permit for home renovation or repairs. Here is a simple chart of permit-worthy actions that you tend to find. ... Read Article
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